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Siri is listening in new Whitsundays tourism campaign

Queensland’s new ‘Wonders of The Whitsundays’, tourism campaign uses one of the world’s most recognisable voices – Apple’s Siri. Because, as it turns out, the voice of Siri, Karen Jacobsen, is a Queenslander, and in fact, a Whitsundays local.

How did Karen become the voice of Siri? She was living in New York, following her dream of becoming a professional singer when she auditioned for a voice acting job.

“A client was looking for an Australian voice-over artist. I read the brief, and I thought, “They’re describing me”. I got the job and I found myself in the studio recording for almost 50 hours for the text-to-speech voice recognition system.’ said Karen.

Playing on the rumour (or fact), that Siri is always listening to us, the radio ads use ‘real life’ scenarios like a conversation about a cancelled trip to Thailand and health tracking. 

Each scenario arrives at the same conclusion; that the person needs a trip to the beautiful white beaches and blue waters of the Queensland islands.

The tourism campaign aims to showcase the accessibility and affordability of the Whitsundays and to highlight the unique experiences the region offers.

The campaign will roll out first across Queensland and New South Wales, then Victoria. The campaign will also include TV advertising, digital display, out of home activity, content partnerships and social activity.

The campaign has (so far) resulted in over 13K quotes for travel and over 400 bookings to the region.

Listen to the ‘Wonders of The Whitsundays’, campaign spots here: