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Clubhouse: the exclusive invite-only audio app

If you’re in the know, you’ll have heard about the new exclusive app Clubhouse. For the laggards, Clubhouse is an audio-based, invite-only iPhone app that lets you listen to a live conversation.

Being invite-only, you cannot simply download it off the app store and create an account. Like an exclusive yacht club, you’ll have to be invited by an existing member.

However, Clubhouse creators Paul Davidson and Rohan Seth recently stated that their aim is to open up the app to everyone, once the beta stage testing has been completed.

If you’re lucky enough to join at the moment, you can select any number of topics from tech and health to business. This opens up conversation rooms for you to listen to.

The conversation rooms are a little like conference calls, so once the conversation has finished, the room is closed. 

The app recently saw a steep rise in awareness due to Elon Musk and Bill Gates making appearances earlier in the year.

Musk’s chat with Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev in January, helped propel Clubhouse to the top of the startup charts. As of 1 February 2021, Clubhouse had 2 million users and is now reportedly valued at $1 billion.

Clubhouse has announced a number of forthcoming new features like tipping and tickets, but right now is more of a status symbol app, featuring celebrities like Oprah, Drake, Chris Rock and of course Elon Musk.

When the app becomes available to the public and the exclusivity is lost, will the value diminish? Only time will tell.