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Voice Over Styles

Voice over artists take on a variety of roles, from storyteller, to instructor, to salesperson. Here’s a quick breakdown of the 4 primary voice over styles.


A documentary narrator skillfully creates an engaging journey for the viewer. Voice over artists often employ storytelling skills to bring emotion, suspense and drama to a subject. Just imagine exploring the natural world without the emotive voice of David Attenborough. 


Audiobook narration requires more characterisation in the performance. A voice over artist can play a number of different characters, or develop a variety of voices. In the Harry Potter series Stephen Fry takes on the individual personalities of the characters through his narration.


In commercial narration, a voice over artist must become an extension of the brand. They must convey a message, rather than tell a story. This requires a specific tone and cadence to personify the brand, or product. For example, imagine an adventure park advertisement being read with the same style and tone as a personal injury lawyer.

Corporate and Education

Corporate and education narration requires retention and even behavior change, where the audience is required to learn something new. As a result the voice over artists must establish trust and keep the listener engaged. Similar to commercial narration, corporate narration must also convey the overarching brand style and tone.